I had the great opportunity to work on the opening title sequence for Tim Burton's "Wednesday" series for Netflix. One of my contributions was this model and animation of a spider crawling across the screen. I chose to create a Walnut Orb Weaver spider because: A) Black Widows are too cliché and don't really build orb webs. B) The black and white stripes and zig zags on the legs and abdomen are very "Tim Butonesque". C) I don't make up spiders D) Its kind of cute. This species is pretty harmless and is mostly found in Europe, but maybe it found its way to the Nevermore academy in someone's suitcase. Anyways, I'm excited to see my little guy appear in a Netflix series. It was not really built for close-ups but I still work at getting some detail in there. I had a very complex web rig that moved with the steps of the spider but in the end the final animation was simplified and the movement is a bit more stop-motion style. Again, very Tim Burtonesque. Final sequence was directed and produced by my friends at Filmograph (https://www.filmograph.tv/) They are the best! Doing lots of stuff with them in 22 and 23.
Opining title sequence for "Wednesday"